Seg Fault

a blog thing?

New blog

02 Jun 2010

I’ve just set up this blog, so there really isn’t anything here. I’ll try and explain my reasoning behind this website.

First, I am a web developer, and I don’t really have my own website. That’s a big no-no; I want a place I can discuss what I’m doing, new tech I’ve come across and other interesting tidbits of information. I also need a place to talk about what I’ve been doing for work/play and projects I’ve done.

In the future, I might even use this website as a place to highlight my skills and services that I could provide, we will see how it goes.

Finally, I want to use this website to communicate all of the interesting things I may or may not do or come across while living in one of the most interesting countries in the world, China.

So, for about the 5th time, here actually goes my blog/website…