Seg Fault

a blog thing?

Because Why Not

27 Jul 2015

Because Why Not? A one-line Erlang fizzbuzz: [ fun(X) when ((X rem 3 == 0) and (X rem 5 == 0)) -> fizzbuzz; (X) when (X rem 3 == 0) -> fizz; (X) when (X rem 5 == 0) -> buzz; (X) -> X end(Y) || Y <- lists:seq(1,100)].


A Riak Protobuf Php Ext

10 Sep 2012

A real Riak Protobuf PHP Extension After a few failed starts, over the last few weeks I’ve been making some actual progress on a real, working PHP extension for the Riak protocol buffer interface. When I first started working on it (quite some time ago), I had no experience working with PHP extensions and was exceptionally rusty with c/c++. After getting frustrated time and again, I had taken a break (read: given up) for the...


A Brand New Blog

09 Sep 2012

Well, not exactly. I'm tired of Wordpress's antics on my current VPS host, so since this blog doesn't get updated much and really does not have any dynamic content I'm moving it to Github Pages and using Jekyll to generate the pages. What you see here is literally the work of untold... minutes. It's really quite simple, and of course I will need to spend some more time figuring it all out, but so far...