Seg Fault

a blog thing?

Riak and MongoDB: A key-value data store comparison

29 Jun 2010

Over the last week or two, I have been working with Riak and MongoDB key-value data stores with the goal of using them for a messaging system to handle many millions of messages between users, and must be able to scale quickly. I will break this comparison of the two into several blog posts to give you an idea of the similarities and differences of both, and how one might use them in a message...


Fun with key-value stores

21 Jun 2010

For the last couple of days, I have been looking at key-value data stores for implementing a message system. The two I’m working with now are MongoDB and Riak. As I gain some more experience using them, I will add some new posts describing some of the main features of the two and my reactions working with them. For now, I’d like to share a cartoon that is linked on the Riak blog: [caption id=””...


Current Projects

08 Jun 2010

I’ve been keeping myself exceptionally busy recently. Beside my regular day job, developing web applications that just completely rock, I am coming home and doing 2-3 hours of work a night, not to mention as much time as I can squeeze on the weekends to do some free-lance projects. One project that I find pretty awesome is building a front and back-end web application for my friend’s data scraping application. He is scraping up some...